Saturday, 19 November 2011

Status Report

I am back once again, after a hectic exam week.

So, as usual not much has been done. I've completed the bonus features menu, and added in cheats which are available for use. The cheats are balanced so you can't have sex after sex, Rebecca has to have a break at some point :P

The resizing is going along great, FAPCOM is continually doing a great job, however, he's been in exams, which finish tomorrow (20th), and he seems to be working quite fast on it. He's working on the idle sprite and the running sprite.

Now, onto the main point (I guess?) of this post. If you haven't checked out the RE:P thread on the Legend of Krystal forums, I suggest you do so. Recently the idea has been going around of following it's title and having creatures that can implant their "progeny" into Rebecca. I was pondering how to go about this, when one person (DemonKnightRaziel) put up an idea, which was great.

The idea was as follows:

"In regards to egg implantation and stuff, a giant zombie wasp type monster would be perfect, many species of wasp already reproduce by injecting their eggs into other creatures to incubate them, who actually mind-control the host from within their own body to protect them from harm.
Could be another side quest thing. If she gets implanted, she has a limited amount of time(with lots of accompanying flavor text of her struggling to maintain control of her own body, maybe even cause the controls to act funky and/or make her try to sit down now and then?) to get the parasites removed before they take over and she resigns herself to be a willing host for the wasp creatures."

I thought this was a perfect idea, the only part that got me was "how to remove the parasites?". I would also like to cast a vote on this idea.

So, the vote is for:
- Having this side quest idea (Side Quest - Post)
- Having it as a side quest (but not this idea, comment with your own ideas!)
- Having normal (but only specific) creatures be able to perform these moves
- No implantation.

As usual, thank you for all your support on this project. We are battling through hardship as we go!