Wednesday, 13 February 2013

GO Image Update #3

3 updates in 3 days, what is this madness?!

So here is the image again. The main change is the neck length. Not sure if it came out right though, let me know. Also added another grab mark, and made the breast mark look like he really dug his claws into her. I'm having real trouble working on the eyes, anyone know exactly what it is that needs changing?

In terms of programming, almost finished the merchant screen, and started working on 'The Laboratory'...

On a highly unrelated note, just discovered this band, and this track instantly made me think of this game:

If you haven't guessed, I'll keep asking for opinions on this until it's perfect.


Tuesday, 12 February 2013

GO Image Update #2

Here's an updated version of the image (This time w/ blood). I feel like it's far too late to change the actual shape of the head, but please, give me feedback on the eyes.

I have also started to add little highlights to it.

Will keep working on it tonight...


Quick Little Update

Hey again guys.

I'm a little surprised almost everybody seemed so forgiving and patient. Thank you all for being fans.

The update seems to be going a little better now, I managed to iron out the merchant screen bug, and I also just finished this:

Final thoughts on it? I still need to add some blood to it, and also I need to separate layers for clothes. Here's a little test (It appears I can just layer the clothes over the basic colors, but under the shading, and it still looks good):

 I'm getting into the habit of balancing work. Sleep still isn't happening, but I doubt that will change anytime soon.

Thanks again.


Thursday, 7 February 2013

An Explanation

I am aware that everyone has been worried/pissed off/frustrated at the lack of updates, especially since I broke my word of updating a week after the January update.

Reasons why you ask?

The first one has to be that I've been finding it extremely frustrating to do the "invisibility when examining items" feature that you wanted included. I've searched up on GML forums thoroughly, none of them have the answer. I've experimented with creating a sprite from the view and then layering that over the screen itself, but only the HUD seems to be copied over. The only way I could think of doing it is to actually leave all objects running, but that would mean I'd have to go through every object and make sure it cannot move, run paths or any of its 1000+ line of code, which doesn't seem worth it just to make the objects appear while examining.

The second one is that I've also been getting frustrated at the merchant screen. It's frustrating because it has to do completely separate checks to the inventory, and while it should easily cross over (since I made the inventory as easy to use as possible) it's not. Plus I'm not even onto selling yet. I've been playing with it for the last week and just when I thought I had it, it seems a bug appears.

These first two have gotten me to that "open, attempt, fail, quit" stage, which I know is a bad place to be, and I'm trying to allocate an hour every couple of days where I can just sit down and power through it.

The third reason is that I started work a couple of weeks ago. The hours aren't long (about 7 hours a day, Mon - Fri) but it does take away half of the day.

The fourth reason is probably the most important, and that's my music. I'm at what I consider to be one of the most important times of my life, where I decide my career path, and actually work to make sure I get there. The last year was a struggle for me financially, and while it still is, I'm not as bothered by it (I may be used to it at this point). I'd much rather focus on what I want to be doing in say 5-10 years time. Funnily enough, working on this was not one of those things.

The fifth reason is that FAPCOM has not been in touch with me. He spoke to me two days ago telling me that he has something that is very VERY important for him, so he has not been able to do spriting work. I can completely understand that.

The sixth and final reason is that I don't want to disappoint you guys. It's quite a lose-lose situation I find. If I respond saying that I don't have anything to show, you could respond with hate, people may lose interest, etc. If I don't respond at all, people can call me lazy, send more hate comments, and lose interest as well.

Thanks to the first reason, I will not be trying to make the stuff visible while examining. Sorry, but I'm sure after reading that you can understand why.

Personally, I'd still really like to have a CG artist working with me. If I'm not doing much for coding, then you can imagine how little I'm doing for the art. SOMEBODY GET IN CONTACT.

On that note, I'm also still looking for a new voice actor for Rebecca. Please suggest & refer some people.

Last note: Please do not ask me when the next update will be. I will say "it's out when it's out.", and I will do my best to make it happen sooner rather than later.