So needless to say, posting is becoming less frequent. It sucks, but that's just the way things are turning out.
In regards to the game, I have had minimal contact with FAPCOM after the hard drive issue. However, in terms of progress there is:
- New knotted animation with random chance of occuring during every Cerberus behind animation. Along with this new animation (2 animations actually) is an altered mechanic for the grapple.
- Start of new area
- Text display of area name upon entry (Just so you guys can get to know the areas by name a bit more)
Last time I spoke to FAPCOM he was reconstructing external tiles for the new building, as well as the reloading sprite. These were lost in the HDD mess up.
In the meantime I will be:
- Drawing up a map for new area (I have been trying to get round to doing this for a while, but haven't been able to decide on a layout that would work)
- Altering the knotted animation text to work with when cutscenes are off.
As always, apologies for not posting often enough, but the support is always appreciated.