Friday, 23 November 2012

UPDATE! (23-11-2012)

Here it is finally guys. Additions in this update include:

Complete Revamp into new "3D", which includes:
 - Changes to AI Behaviour
 - Depth system for layers
 - Less restrictive Movement
 - Change to particles
 - Larger environments

Added changing controls to the options
Made a number of resources load externally
Fixed memory leak
"Pleasure" system added, with some visual representation

Check changelog for all details of complete update

I'm finally pleased to announce this update. This project's already been going for over a year, and while I was disappointed that we're still only in this first chapter, I'm very pleased with the graphic reboot.

I can admit that last update before this was immensely rushed and hyped, and the game that was released was nowhere near deserving of praise, but I hope you all enjoy the result of these few months work.

Again, thank you for everyone who supports this game, and we look forward to bringing you the rest of Chapter 1. In fact, we're already working on it!



  1. Super Duper after a year :P....although we understand how tough when it comes to dealing with real life situations. Other than that we & the rest of Resident Evil fans will always support your work Z-Fied & FAPCOM. Don't let us down & Happy Thanks Giving! ;-)

    1. Thanks, it's been a very tough year (and will continue to be.) I'll do my best! (Ha, Rebecca reference)

  2. That's quite a big change, thank you for your hard work.

  3. Commenting here since I can't seem to post it on the forums.

    I've played the demo, and would like to make a few comments.

    Firstly, I love the new backgrounds. This was worth the wait combined with the resized sprites, it really was. It was also nice to be able to move from one area to another and examine things.

    Now, three things that are sort of complaints

    -The sex animation of Rebecca getting screwed vaginally on the ground seems to be inaccessible, which also means the tag-team animation is unavailable. This was rather annoying.
    -Shouldn't the dog be screwing her pussy instead of her ass? Somehow the former makes more sense.
    -With no one in the bar but yourself, having to kill the zombie before leaving feels like a waste. More on this below.

    Things I think could be added/applied to make it better:

    -Perhaps some sort of pictures to go with the intro thing would be neat. That would add some flavor to things.
    -Adding a character into the bar would be nice, especially if said character was a girl. This would mean that if you didn't kill the zombie the zombie would disrobe and then screw the lady. You could probably do something interesting with that, perhaps having it affect purity points
    -A Masturbation ability would still be a nice touch, and it could always be made so you can only do it after having all clothes removed.
    -Once Rebecca enters a horny state, she should be unable to resist sexual attacks and should automatically submit. This would provide an additional in-game reasoning to avoid getting screwed, besides the raise in virus level and damage received during grapples.
    -Different text for the zombie dog would be nice when it screws you.
    -Text reactions for when Rebecca submits for the first time to a different position/enemy would also be interesting.

    Otherwise, I enjoyed the demo, and look forward to the next update, which hopefully won't be that far off.

    1. Hey there, just to let you know, the ground sex sprites are accessible, you need to be grabbed while crouching, and crouching is done using aim & down. (you can let go of aim and remain crouched.) I used that way of crouching since I didn't want to add a control just for crouching, and down is already used for lane movement.

      In terms of Cerberi: I went over every single little thing in this update... and I miss the dialogue for the cerberus. That's frustrating. My bad. he isn't doing her anal though. (for proof, check your sex stats after dog sex.)

      I have yet to include the full intro for the bar. There will be someone there, who the zombie will attack, and you have to do a saving thing. The current bar start is temporary.

      For your suggestions:

      1) I'll need another artist to pull that off.
      2) Read above
      3) Masturbation will be included, when is a different story.
      4) Once Rebeccas pleasure meter maxes, that's when she auto-submits.
      5) True, I need a new voice actor anyway, since ash quit.
      6) Good idea, I might add that. There's currently text for when Rebecca has vaginal, anal and oral intercourse for the first time. Should I include more text for when other enemies have sex with her for the first time?


    2. Yeah, I discovered that on a second playthrough. Personally, I think a new button wouldn't be a bad idea, especially since down moves you through lanes now (it took some careful timing on my part to make Rebecca crouch and not just move down)

      Ah, okay on the Cerebus. It gave the zombie anal text when I did a try for its text.

      Good to know that there will be someone there. It'd be interesting either way gender wise.

      1-Doesn't Fapcom do some sketches? You could also see if anyone on the LOKForums would be willing to do that.
      3-Cool. Should keep it restricted to when clothes are off though so you don't need to make a sprite for her masturbating while clothed (especially annoying since she has stages of clothing.)
      3A-This made me think that an option to remove armor would be nice. It would let players who are wanting to get the sex scenes AND beat the game the straight way able to experience all parts (until a sex gallery option is opened up anyhow)
      4-That works.
      5-I was more referring to the text for when it screws you the first time, but that works too. Heck, more text for the varying states of ecstasy would be nice too.
      6-Yup. Which reminds me, when will we actually get to see her doing oral only? I think the gang-bang one counts, though I could be wrong.

      Also, a thought. Perhaps adding in a bit of text after she exits the bar, a sort of "What the heck just happened" thing.

    3. I'll put up a poll for the crouching on my next status update.

      The text is fixed now.

      1) Well, FAPCOM does, but he's way overloaded with other work (Plus he's started work on a GO screen.)
      3) Yeah it's most likely going to be in the nude. I'll let you guys know if we add any extra ones
      3A) I might add that as an ability if you go down the whore route. The first ability you unlock though is Submit. (There'll be more explanation on unlocking it once there is more to the game.)
      5) Well, my plan was to have most, if not all dialogue voiced.
      6) I'm thinking once we've got further into the game, we can add more grapples to existing enemies, and giving a random chance between the two.

      There's going to be more dialogue in the intro (which is actually what I'm working on next). It's going to be more like "IT'S HAPPENING ALL OVER AGAIN!" *panic*

  4. Is it just me, or is it very cumbersome to quit the game? There seems to be no quick-end button (like esc), there seems to be no way to get back to the main menu other than dieing and closing the window and even ALT+F4 doesn't work. That could cause some...awkward situations. :P

    Still, great work. I look forward to the content-upgrades that builds on all you managed to do so far.

    1. You can use escape to quit the game, but only when your player is alive and not in a grapple.

      Thanks though!

  5. Great update, I have been looking forward to this! Quick nitpick about the gun, when it is in her inventory the picture is of her Samurai Edge (Beretta 92fs) but when it is equipped it is a Browning Hi-power (Claire and Eda's gun from RE2). Since it holds 13 rounds, it should be the Hi-power. Maybe make the Samurai Egde be an unlockable/findable weapon?

    1. Haha, well the inventory sprites are still being changed, but yeah, you are correct. Once we get the sprites finished, then you'll notice the difference (and it'll be correct).

      Oh, and that's already planned, along with several other weapons.

    2. Great because that knife sucks balls! Great throwback to the classic RE games.

    3. Like it should be. I only like the classic RE games. The modern ones suck balls!

  6. How about Impregnation and pregnancy?

    1. Ha, I already asked about that, you should check the comments on the previous posts.

  7. Cant run in VirtualBox guest(winxp) with 128 mb video memory, get failed to initialize drawing surfaces blah blah blah. What about requirements?

    1. Hmm... Knowing Game Maker, this is likely an issue with your graphics card, and you did point out you've got 128MB video ram.

      I'm not completely sure what's the minimum; it's a slightly memory-intensive game but it shouldn't really eat up much video memory (I think). I'm afraid I'm at a loss to explain it, but the best I can do is ask if you've updated your graphics card driver. Sorry I can't do better or if you've already done this and I sound condescending. :S

    2. I found this topic: . I installed drivers and enabled 3d in VBox settings and game runned, but still with issue in window mode. Somehow i enabled fullscreen mode(in window mode you can see only half of the screen and in options you cant see fullscreen section) and now it works fine.

  8. Hello Zfied! Great update except, I seem to have run into a bug where the dog is a one pump chump. Also, can we save yet?

    1. Um, we're unsure of how to answer this because we're not sure by what you mean by "pump chump" >P I'm assuming this has something to do with the sex so can you elaborate?

      The typewriter's sprite's all set to go, but I just have to touch up some more environment tiles before that.

      Once the new environments are finished, the typewriter will likely be placed in a central location like the old unscaled game. Back then the save point was accessible before the quarantine event and immediately after the boss fight after unlocking the shortcut.

      Hope this helps!

    2. Ah, sorry. In the area with the dog it only rapes her once and after that its all hp attacks, I've changed the settings from the options to max sexual attacks so that may have had a effec. But yeah quite literally a one pump chump :P I can't wait to be able to save with a bunch of herbs again! Lol.

    3. Ah, yeah, the sexual/damage attack slider is still acting up, but ZFied's thrown in a line for you if you want pure sexual encounters. In extras you can purchase the cheats, and then purchase the "Fap away!" cheat. Once you go back into the extra's menu and enable the "Fap away!" feature in the cheats menu, you're all set for a purely sexual playthrough! :D

      If you do want a few rare damage attacks though, then that has to wait until ZFied manages to nail the sex ratio slider bug, I'm afraid :(

      The item pickup sprites are set to go, but we're still thinking about level design to keep things interesting and not too linear. Hopefully saving, using herbs and item storage won't be too far off from this update. :)

    4. Ah, the sex attack ratio thing is not a bug, I made it so that there's a 30 second cooldown time between sex for that one enemy. I'll remove it for next update though since people really don't understand and don't like it that much.

    5. Oh awesome! I shall now commence fapping away... to the death

  9. How does the system with the Zombies cumming multiple times work now? Its doesn't look like it is controllable anymore.

    And an idea what to add could be that in the skills menu by the Whore section: That you can buy like extra position for the zombies when you submit? Would probably be hard to make but ts an idea

    1. In terms of the multiple orgasms, it's always been random, you can influence it though. The max amount is 4 times, and that has a default 1% chance. If you "grind", it increases the chance of multiple orgasms happening. So, it can happen if you have not "grinded" the zombie at all.

      Hm, didn't think of adding extra positions. Worried that might make too much work. I'm planning to add riding downed zombies as an ability you gain for going down the Whore route.

    2. I somehow thought you might be planning something like that since the dead zombies still had a erection.

  10. I'm really impressed! The game sure has changed since the first demo I played. It's a really cool game you're making! I do have a question thought.. Does this demo only include the 4 areas (bar, main street, ally, back ally) or am I missing a door or key to go further into chapter 1? (I've tried the door in the ally and its locked, I tried the door on the main street and I get no response)

    Anyways, again Awesome game!

    1. well he did mention that chapter 1 isn't done yet

    2. I understand it's a demo I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything :S

    3. well i was wondering that but like i said i think he meant that

    4. Yep, that's all there is for now, we're currently adding the rest of Montbury 1F.

      P.S. the alley door and main street door go into same building (I'm sure you worked that out though) That'll be used later on, but not for a while yet.

  11. Hi, I've found accidentaly (yeah, right) and I love Resident Evil saga.
    Right now I'n downloading the game and I'll see the game. Maybe I'll be another fan enjoing your game. :D

    1. Well, it's pretty short at the moment, but if you had seen the versions before, you'd know why it took this long to bring this one out.

      Still, here's to you enjoying it, I try to make it stick to the RE universe as much as possible. Plus it works with the canon :D

  12. I have a question, i don't get how to unlock the mercenaries mode, i buy it and all but it doesn't want to work. There is a mercenary mode right?

    1. Mercenaries mode is on hold because ZFied wants to overhaul it so it's more like a linear objective-oriented mini-game reminiscent of the Mercenaries from the classic RE series.

      Right now there's just the campaign mode. This update was mainly to test the new lane system, control system, and several fan-requested features, so only a few environments were released as a test. There are more rolling in as Montbury's level design gets more polished.

    2. Thanks, now all is clever to me

  13. ZFied, FAPCOM, wanted to say congrats on the very fun demo! It's certainly come a long way from the last one. The animations need some work, but I love how the sex animations aren't just a few frames repeated, that there's actual sex and climax animations! and I can't wait to see where you guys take it. But like every other swinging d. I've got a few opinions/issues.
    Maybe it's just me, but I'm still confused on how the whole cloth/health/attack/rape system works. is it kind of random? I'm guessing you guys plan a tutorial, but its just not in the demo.
    There doesn't seem to be any diagonal movement. Is that just me and my joystick settings?
    I think the running and zombie walking animations could use a bit more life. The sex animations are great, but the others feel a bit staid.
    Again, really don't want to come across as overly critical or anything, just a few issues. Overall i really, really liked what i saw and cant' wait to see the finished game! You'll be getting a donation very soon!

    1. Hey there!

      Firstly, thank you very much :) The game is going to be a lot bigger, these are still those first few steps.

      In terms of the rape/attack system, it's mainly influenced by the sex grapple ratio, but if you've just been sexed, there's a cooldown time before that enemy can have sex again. I'm going to remove that though, since nobody seems to realise that it's there, and there's no indication of it. You can make it 100% sexual through bonus features -> cheats -> "Fap Away!"

      I didn't introduce diagonal movement because I wanted to keep it to more of a "lane" kind of feel. Some people seem to be complaining to that though, so it might be added in soon. I wanted to keep the movement stricted to a grid, but not overly restricted.

      Well, it'd take a bit of time to re-do these (say, 9 frames, needs to be done over the 7 clothing stages, so 63 frames altogether) and I think there's things that'd be higher on the priority list, but if time arises, then we can work on it!

      Again, thank you :)

    2. My pleasure! Again, still great potential for a great game!And i can understand wanting the grid system; similar to the 'tank' controls from the PS1 era RE games. Also glad to hear you're working on the rape/grapple system. Great potential, but I think it could use a little explanaation. Either way, can't way to see more from you guys!

  14. That took a while, but now i see why, its alot of changes since the old releases. Old one was much different style, graphics etc. and with all bosses, locations and things. Now its a different game from a scratch with same engine. Old one could be complete release and this one next project.
    Good job on developing it.

    1. Well the old test run of this game only had 1 boss, and the locations were very bizarre (as in, you go straight out of the bar, and find a secret laboratory?!)

      I do plan on developing a platformer at some point though, just not for Resident Evil.

  15. Now I can see why it took this long for this uptdate! The game did change a lot indeed, and I really like the animations as well as the larger sprites, which gives you more... ummm... to look at :p . Just as any other randomn person in the internet, I have some suggestions and issues.

    1)Maybe it's just me, but in the sex crouching position with the zombie, sometimes the sprites just switch back and forth and disappear repeteadly; even though it only happened twice, maybe it was my computer.
    2)As the Mercenaries mode is out of this uptade, how do you gain points? Because if you spend all of them, there is (apparently) no way of getting more.
    3)If you purchase a character, can actually select it or do they not exist just yet?
    4) In the animation of the zombie biting you, it doesn't matter if you are full clothed, you appear naked. Is this just a bug or the sprite for that hasn't been made yet?

    And for the suggestions, I would say that it wouldn't be bad if you could add diagonal movement, but maybe it's too much work, as the zombies could also move diagonally as well. There could be a cheat or an unlockable which is "Naked Mode" where you are.. well... naked?

    The game is awesome as well as fluid in animations, and I love the background! Really nice work on this game Z-Fied and FAPCOM, keep it up!

    1. Thanks!

      Here's the responses:

      1) I'm not sure about that, I've never received that bug.
      2) You can't get any points at the moment, but I thought I gave a generous helping of them at the start :P
      3) New characters don't exist yet, and they won't be playable in the main campaign.
      4) The sprites still haven't been made yet (Just like for the crouching not aiming sprite)

      I tried adding in diagonal movement, but it made the game way too easy and also glitchy, since Rebecca could not only outrun zombies with ease, but she'd also get stuck in walls.

      Well there is the cheat where zombies only do sex/strip attacks, and I plan to make the strip attacks a grapple which means you can be fully stripped in one attack.

  16. sorry, but I have a problem when I want to play the game ...
    when I run the application loading bar appears and then when you open the game window is opened without image ... Black only ... but if I press z the game starts passing the screens as if playing normally, but I still see the black screen (only hear the sound and effects).
    Can someone help me with the problem .. I'm using windows 7 x64. Try running it in compatibility mode and administrator mode, but still the same ...
    I hope you can help me, because I have wanted to play it.
    PS: The only way I managed the game show me screenshots of the game is when I press ctrl + alt + sup to open the task manager and every time I open it throws me a screenshot of the game, but only that.

    1. Hm, I'm not sure how to fix this problem I'm afraid, sorry. It seems like it's just a problem with your computer itself, as I run windows 7 x64 too. Sounds like an issue with the drawing.

      Wish I could help more :/

  17. help this error keeps popping up on my game:

    ERROR in
    action number 1
    of Other Event: Game Start
    for object obj_startup:

    Error opening file for writing.
    what do i do it won't even let me edit settings

    1. the same I have

    2. This will be because you have either deleted the "SETTINGS.ini" or "SETTINGSread.ini" files, or you may have moved the exe away from the rest of the folder. It is required to keep all files in the same folder.

      Hope that helps!

    3. no its in the same folder and in fact right next to eachother, it's alright when settings and settingsread are blank,but when i try to save something it does the error, so i have to get rid of all the text that pops up in the .txt files, am i supposed to change the name of the folder or does that do nothing.

  18. Whenever I try and start the game I get multiple error windows popping up all saying "Floating point overflow"

  19. Hello Z-Fied!

    Could I ask How do I get the Innocent points or whore points faster ?
