Thursday, 1 September 2011

Progress Report

Just thought I'd let you all know how the game is coming along.

Bug Fix: Disappearing Ammo
Bug fix: Teleporting when meeting with boss
Saving/Loading fixed yet again
3 Save slots!
Bar Exterior
Rebecca Crouching Sprite
Rebecca Crouching + Aiming Sprite

Regrettably, it appears as though ANoob won't be working on the team, due to lack of communication.

Also, most of the team members courses start soon, so updates will probably be less frequent. Don't lose faith, we will still be working on it!


  1. Are you planning on adding some more background art to rooms like chairs, desks, computers, lab equipment, etc.?

  2. Yes. As we go, we'll be adding more detail and more interactible items. This is still more of a tech demo than anything.

  3. So Anoob is out, why is Pen blanked out? She/he is out too?
